Templagenics LLC offers a discount on Digital Pipe Fitter to academic institutions. To qualify for this discount you must:

  • Be an employee of an accredited university, college, high school or trade school.
  • Use the software in a classroom or laboratory setting for the purpose of education. (not for your personal business or other non-academic, work)
  • Agree not to purchase licenses at the discounted price for resale or distribution to any person or entity other than the institution meeting the requirements listed above and applied for below.
  • Agree not to sell, share or give away the username or password to the account you are given on this website which allows access to the discounted purchase price.
  • Read, understand and agree to the Software License Agreement.

Even if you meet the requirements listed above, it is the sole discretion of Templagenics LLC to reject or accept your request for any reason. Rejected applicants can still purchase a license at the current list price but are still subject to the Software License Agreement.

Please complete the following application and click 'Submit'. We will manually review your application and let you know by email if your application is accepted. An acceptance email will tell you how to make a discounted purchase.

If your application is accepted, the price of each Digital Pipe Fitter license for you would be $99. Applying for the discount does not obligate you to purchase anything.